Voiceover Work

I talk a lot. And sometimes I do it into a mic.

Commercial VO Demo

Breakn’Bread Podcast

I write and voice the commercial breaks for a small financial news podcast based out of Charlotte, NC.

Paid Social Spots

Brach’s Easter 2024 Social Campaign – Paid Media

Purdue Flock Leader – Arrive Campaign, 2023

Student Projects

Make Art, Not Pollution: Air-Ink Manifesto Video

Made With: Clare Malone, Cole Farrar, Jess Riporti, Sarah Newman, Michelle Fondacaro

Leatherman Multi-Tools: Fix Your Story

AD: Miranda Arias

CW: Paris Cipollone

Where Fear Feels Good: Screamfest

Made by: Michelle Fondacaro, Henry Coffey, Emme Schumacher